Where we can, we try to select appropriate food and drink, to help us experience what the place might offer, were we to visit for real. Basically, it's a mini-holiday without leaving the comfort of your home town.

Shiraz has long been a favourite at Chateau Purple Teeth, but tonight's Shiraz was a very different kind - an alcohol free wine blog!
As unlikely destinations go, Shiraz in Iran is right up there in terms of being not likely to visit. That makes it ideal for #virtualtravel. The Islamic government have all but eradicated alcohol from Iran, therefore, we selected to visit Shiraz on a day when I'd had a migraine and didn't feel too aggrieved about having a night off the sauce.
It looks amazing. We watched this documentary to explore Iran as far as a tourist can. From this, we decided that Tehran, Esfahan and Shiraz look like interesting places to visit, though the lack of wine means they're unlikely to ever make it to the top of our list...

itself is not the home of the Shiraz grape, whose origins are felt to lie in the Northern Rhone, where the grape is known as Syrah. In fact, when Shiraz wine was produced (and it was reputedly rather good) it was actually white, and could be either dry or sweet.
Based on what we could rummage up, we created a kind of grilled chicken kebab, but served with white rice with mixed dried fruits and some nuts, along with a salad which was predominantly made of fresh coriander, then added pomegranate seeds for good measure.
If I say so myself, it was delicious. We chose to pass on the drinks ideas we'd found in wikipedia, as salted yoghurt mixed with sparkling water didn't seem like a fitting Sunday night beverage. Feel free to try it yourself.

Our next virtual destination is North Dakota, and we've been stalling, since that region too, is not exactly famous for wine and cuisine. But we shall report after our trip. Meanwhile, we're desperately trying to find some wine from Germany's Baden Wurttemberg, the sight of the next "trip".
We'd love to hear what you think of our #virtualtravel on our Facebook page, or, leave comments on the blog below.