At Purple Teeth, we can't get enough of wines that make our teeth purple, but we love white wines too - here are some we've tasted recently. These all come from Naked Wines and prices quoted include the Angel discount

So back to the Naked version. This one is off dry though I didn't really notice the sweetness after the initial sip. It's got grapefruit, medium to low acidity (rather unexpectedly) and is a nice simple, easy drinking wine. It's not wow like some Vouvrays I've tasted, but compared to some of the Chenin Blancs out there, it's pretty good. If you fancy a change from your South African wines, give it a go, but if you're a fan of Loire Valley Sancerres, this may not be aromatic enough for you.

I found very little Riesling character in this version. It's not billed as off-dry but it definitely doesn't taste fully dry. There's some minerality but little peach, floral or citrus aromas and the flavour was surprisingly simple for an Alsace Riesling. This sounds like a negative review, but the wine was very drinkable. It's just not what I was expecting from the grape and region combination. The acidity is reasonably high, but I expected screamingly high so felt a bit disappointed. Drinking it should flood the mouth with saliva, washing away fatty foods that accompany it so well like fried fish dishes. This was more subtle. I saved some to drink the next day, and it fared remarkably well. Many whites fade after the first opening. So, I am going out on a limb here to suggest that perhaps this wine will improve with age. Naked's recommendation is that it will last at least 5 years. I have 3 other Alsace wines by the same winemaker in the fridge. I hope they fare better against my expectations.
Perhaps it's because it's February but white wines aren't going down so well right now. I'm off to Washington DC shortly for a couple of weeks, and look forward to trying some Virginian wines. Perhaps when I get back, spring will have sprung and those whites in the fridge will be regaining their pull.