While perusing the changing special offers at my local branch of Waitrose, I got talking to Jacqui, their Wine & Spirits specialist. I always see the special offers as a chance to indulge in discounted fine wines. Jacqui convinced me to try Jip Jip Rocks, although at it's normal price of £10.99, it doesn't make it into the Fine Wine section.
With 20% off until 13/10, it seemed like the right time to try it - given that it's now just £8.74.
Grown and family made in the the Padthaway region of South Australia's Limestone Coast, Jip Jip Rocks is named after the large hunks of pink granite that are part of the Terra Rosa terroir which makes the region special. Traditionally Padthaway was recognised as a grape growing area only with no wine making facility. Grapes produced were transported from the region to nearby Coonawarra and other wineries managed by the larger wine companies. That's now changing, and a number of small wineries have opened up, although some grapes are still grown for others, including the prestigious Penfolds.

My first impressions were favourable. A huge chunky smack in the mouth at 14.5% abv, this is not a subtle wine. That's probably why Mr Purple Teeth absolutely loved it. Spicy, woody notes, even a hint of something herbal and lifted like mint on the finish, and a whack of deep blackberries, topped off with some bitter coffee. I have instructions to buy more. It's full bodied and has an almost chewy viscosity, but the tannins are smooth and well integrated, so it doesn't feel at all drying on the teeth.
If you like your wines light and fruity, this isn't for you. But if you like a strong, deep wine that broods in the corner like a sullen but handsome teenager, do try this one. Great with steak, or even with strong cheddar, it is definitely a sipping wine if not consumed with food.
Other advantages of this wine, are that it's suitable for Vegetarians, Vegans and claims to have minimal sulphur dioxide. I'm not sensitive myself, but some of my readers are, so I'd love your impressions on this wine.
And if you love The Hedonist, please do take my advice and try a bottle of this for comparison. One day, we might even try them side by side and report our findings.
Great value on this discount offer, try it and let us know what you think.